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How to Keep Your House Smelling Good Always

How to Keep Your House Smelling Good Always

How to make your house smell good…all the time! These are the things you need to make your house smell good, so you can start getting compliments on how fresh your house smells and change the smell of your house.

If you’ve ever grumpily thought ‘my house never smells fresh,’ or wondered how to keep your house smelling good all the time, check out these tips! Here are 7 simple ways to have a fresh smelling home naturally. 

The first step in any fresh smelling home is to get rid of bad smells. We don’t just want to mask existing unpleasant odors with air fresheners.

Trash cans, or your garbage disposal may be the source of bad smells in your house. 

So a little ‘house deodorizing’ is a good idea to start with.

How do you deodorize a house?

  1. Empty garbage cans regularly

When it comes to removing household smells, you have to find the source.

Some of your bad odors might be coming from your trash. And it can quickly go from fine to nasty.

Be sure to change your kitchen and bathroom can liners every couple days, or more often if you detect an odor.

Your fridge is another bad-scent culprit.

Go through it once a week and toss items that are past their prime. An easy way to freshen your fridge is to put an open box of baking soda  inside to absorb odors. 

  1. Clean out your refrigerator

Your fridge is another bad-scent culprit.

Go through it once a week and toss items that are past their prime. An easy way to freshen your fridge is to put an open box of baking soda inside to absorb odors. 

  1. Sprinkle baking soda before vacuuming

To deodorize and make your carpet smell nice, mix baking soda and some essential oil drops in a bowl, then sprinkle on your carpet or rug.

Let it sit as long as overnight to really absorb odors!

  1. Open the windows

Weather permitting, the best way to freshen the air in your home is to open the windows. Even just for an hour or two!

That fresh air can get rid of cooking smells, or any other stale or lingering odor this way.

  1. Use your Crock-Pot

Did you know that you can use your slow cooker to eliminate odors in your home?

Here’s a great way to deodorize unwanted smells:

  1. Put some water in your slow cooker (a small one works great for this, but any size will do the trick)
  2. Add in 3 or more tablespoons of baking soda
  3. Turn your slow cooker on to Low
  4. Keep the lid off, and just let this concoction work its magic!
  1. Get an air purifier

To help keep your home smelling fresh all the time, run an air purifier regularly.

In addition to eliminating household odors, it also reduces dust and pollen. (Looking at you, fellow allergy sufferers!)

  1. Make your own pet deodorizer

If you have pets, you know that they just come with their own set of odors.

If you’ve ever wondered how to keep your house smelling good with pets, try making this natural pet deodorizer.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 2 cups of distilled water and 8-12 drops of pet-safe essential oil in a spray bottle.

You can spray it right on your pet, or in their bed, to help neutralize odors.

Note: Many essential oils are toxic to pets so be sure to check with your vet or reference this comprehensive guide for pet-safe oils.

Also be sure to brush your pet regularly, in addition to vacuuming the carpet and furniture. And of course, if they have an accident, use a pet stain and odor eliminator as quickly as possible.

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