How To Keep Your Mattress Clean And Comfy?
What’s the key to sleeping stress-free every night? Sometimes, meditating or reading a book helps, but what if they're not working for you? In that case, consider other factors, such as the condition of your mattress.
Even if you're sleeping on the most comfortable mattress, if it’s dirty, it's a potential nesting place for dust mites and bed bugs—both of which are irritants that can affect your sleeping habits. For that reason, it’s important to clean your mattress occasionally.
Sleeping on a dirty mattress can lead to health problems. Avoid this by making sure you’re sleeping on a germ-free bed! Here's how you can keep your mattress clean and cosy!
- Gather the essential cleaning supplies
Let's start with how you can clean your mattress. You can gather cleaning supplies such as:
- Vacuum cleaner- For removing particles, dust, and dirt.
- Baking soda - To deodorise your mattress and get rid of any foul stench.
- Dish soap- Mix with cold water to remove stains.
- Clean cloth- For wiping away excess liquid.
- Eliminate any dirt on the surface
Use your vacuum to clean the entire surface, and eliminate any dirt, dust, and debris. Remember to vacuum the seams and crevices so the bed's surface is 99.9% dirt-free. Also, keep in mind that your vacuum's nozzle should be clean before you use it on your mattress.
- Remove the stains
Did you know that our bodies sweat while we sleep? In more severe cases, some people experience night sweats, a condition in which the person endures excessive sweating while sleeping. That means there's a chance your mattress could be home to hundreds of sweat marks and stains!
That being said, you can apply baking soda on the stains to deodorise the stench. As for removing the stains, soak a clean cloth with cold water and dish soap. You could also utilise a stain remover for more effective results.
Afterwards, you use your vacuum again to get rid of the baking soda on the surface of your mattress. Or you could sweep off the lingering particles with a clean brush. Either option works fine, anyway!
- Protect your mattress (and yourself)
Finished cleaning your mattress? You can improve your quality of sleep even more. How so? Try searching for a mattress protector . It’s a removable cover that you can use to protect yourself and the mattress from allergens such as bed bugs, mould, and dust mites!
Mattress protectors are a must-have for people vulnerable to allergies. If you’re allergic, consider having a mattress protector that will protect you from irritants and allergens!
Keeping a clean and comfy mattress is one of the ways you can sleep carefree every night. Make sure your bed is free from germs and bugs. Not only will you extend the life of your mattress, but you'll also protect yourself in the process!