Home Interior Color Trend For Autumn & Winter 2022
Summer is coming to an end and it’s the time to get ready for Autumn/ Winter season. In this blog, Lifestyle Furniture will focus on a particular color or trending colors of that season and explore what each shade can bring to the home. Color psychology has allowed us to get a comprehensive understanding of what exactly each color symbolizes and how it can benefit your interior. These mood-enhancing colors can be manipulated to suit your space by introducing them in large amounts with paint on the walls or through smaller home accessories. Lifestyle Furniture likes to make home decor easy, so keep reading to discover what colors you need to bring into your home this autumn and winter to stay on-trend.
For the impending seasons, an interior’s focus is being placed on earthy tones. This should come as no surprise though, for the last number of months and indeed, most of this year, we have seen a shift from pretty pastels to note-worthy neutrals. Almost every item of furniture you look to purchase for your home is upholstered in a cream, nude or taupe material, sofas especially. But it doesn’t stop here, even dinnerware sets in ivory tones are spotted in nearly every celebrity's Instagram post. As we lead into the cooler winter months, we can expect darker neutrals, think mocha, tan, hazelnut, and chocolate browns.
Luckily, brown has links to the outside which means that bringing the outdoors into your home has suddenly become a lot easier. Being in the company of browns and their variations can positively affect people because it can give someone a sense of trust, reliability and unity. This strong color is worth embracing fully for autumn and winter 2022 and can be seen on the walls next to our Helsinki sofa range.
While browns are sure to dominate the interior world over the next few months, so too is yellow. We think that yellow, its joyful nature and a lemon yellow was one to watch for 2022, however, moving into the colder months of the year means that the focus lies firmly with a darker mustard yellow.
In contrast to popular belief, yellow can be easily incorporated into a living room, dining room, and bedroom. The rule with brighter colors like this is to use them sparingly or they can come across as arrogant. You can notice above how the sofa stands out because it is surrounded by muted wall colors with only the yellow being picked up again by the smaller accessories. The Infusion framed canvas above the sofa and coincidently, the Lady canvas in the background all links back to the sofa with hints of yellow. Mustard yellow is one of very few colors that encourages and inspires those in its presence. Creativity is likely enhanced by this optimistic and warming color.
We cannot seem to get away from green in our interiors this year, but quite frankly, who really wants to? Not us. Any shade of green seems to exude elegance and it’s hard to choose between them all. From forest greens to olive greens, marine greens to sage, they are all stunning in their own way. From now until Christmas though, we are concentrating on dark greens. Like with the neutrals and yellow above, we are veering more towards the dark side once again.
Dark green like the color of the velvet featured on the Conley Accent Chair above is bang on trend for autumn and winter 2022. Green also comes with its own individual effects. When surrounded by dark green we tend to feel overcome by ambition. Who feels like enrolling in a master’s degree? We also feel relaxed and revitalized when it’s surrounding us. Still, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Too much green can make us feel envious, greedy, and materialistic.
When Fashion & Interiors Become OneThere has always been a link between fashion trends and interior trends. Often, clothing seen on catwalks will have its colors reflected in home decor not long afterwards. For autumn and winter this year, fashion is embracing vibrancy. We can expect to see lilac, emerald green, cobalt blue, and burgundy clothing flaunting the display windows of high-street stores from now until the New Year. We’ve already seen how emerald green is expected to be included in the home and explored its many benefits, but we should also prepare ourselves for the other colors. Lilac uplifts and soothes so it should be used in areas where you want to feel most relaxed.
Think bedrooms, children’s rooms, and even the living room. Cobalt blue is an incredibly supportive color and will enhance, promote and increase a person’s productivity, so it could be most fitting in a home office. Last but not least, burgundy. Isn’t burgundy the most seductive color? Well, we think so. This sophisticated color is powerful and draws a great deal of attention, so why not paint your entire house in this color and create an impactful scene for a passer-by?
If you really want to impress for autumn and winter 2022, just follow our advice above and remember to embrace your dark side. Need new furniture for autumn and winter? Come to visit us at 21 E Shaw Ave., Fresno or browse our website here for shopping online with a lot of available deals.